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During the main Atlassian event of the year, SmartBear represented its acquisition and integration with the Jira portfolio of tools from Atlassian. As well, Zephyr was well-integrated with other company tools like TestComplete, LoadNinja and SoapUI Pro.
The entire portfolio of SmartBear has the commitment to the entire portfolio of Atlassian offerings together with Bitbucket continuous development/continuous integration platform and management tool as Confluence.

Generally speaking, SmartBear has a target to make the entire commitment to the Atlassian ecosystem and modernize apps with the usage of DevOps best practices as drivers of increased quantity of requests to have the tools for the proper application programming interfaces (APIs) testing. The global research provided by SmartBear proved the fact of positive influence of adopting of microservice architectures in API structures as nearly three-quarters from 3000 of architects, developers, product leaders and testers believe that this action will give the biggest growth in next couple of years.

The next big challenge according to this survey will be in finding options to standardize API development. The big part of respondents are developing APIs which comply with OAS (Open API Specification). This is the way to make both computers and humans to understand the options given by service without digging into the code and documentation. It is based on RESTful APIs language-agnostic interface and enables users to get the data without inspecting network traffic.

Nowadays the organizations are using private APIs more in comparison with public ones. First APIs came into the world of organisations as a tool to expose applications and enable external app to get data from another app as piece of the API-like Economy. Since these times, the market and volumes of private APIs increased drammatically. And the deployment of such APIs became the stable part of the DevOps activities.

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