About Us

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Skilled and talented.

We are a small, but highly creative and talented team. Developers, QAs, designers and project managers create special projects, original for every client.

years in operation

lines of code written

deadlines catched

networking countries

Mobile development masters.

INCOAlliance team is a team of experts in hybrid mobile development. Unique and difficult projec ts with clients s pecification are created here.
Mobile applications for iOS and Android, for both, hybrid applications that work at mobile, tablet and PC – these topics are our core s pecifications, and our dedicated teams work with them for more than 4 years.

INCO Core Features

Dedicated team

INCOAlliance works with Europe talent pools and cooperates with local IT Academies to catch young geniuses.

Eco-working space

The development office is made with an accent on a worker’s personal comfort and environmental friendliness.

Strong partnership

We can work on the terms of a dedicated team even with contracts duration from 3 months.

Expanding new horizons

INCO team grows every day. For now, we have representatives at Poland, Israel, Lithuania, US and Ukraine.


We are focused on new solutions and we are one of the first who started working with GO.

From Idea to Secure Product

A growing product from the very beginning to the release is hard, but it’s what we do the best. Let’s do it!

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